Working Together to Deliver a Sustainable Hillhead
We take our environmental responsibilities seriously and a number of initiatives have been introduced at Hillhead in recent years to make the visiting and exhibiting experience more sustainable.
HVO fuel to power Main and Registration Pavilions
All of the electrics serving the 280 exhibitors in the main indoor exhibition areas at Hillhead will be powered by Crown HVO Fuel.
Swapping from fossil fuel to HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) will help reduce up to 90% of net CO2 emissions.
More recycling opportunities
More facilities than ever before will be available throughout the site to maximize the recycling options for visitors’ waste. These will include dedicated bins for food waste, dry recycling (paper, card, tin, aluminium etc), general waste, and glass.
Skips will also be available throughout the build and breakdown periods for exhibitors to recycle wood, metals, and general waste.
Single-use plastics being taken off the menu
The official caterers for Hillhead are eliminating all single-use plastics, including plastic utensils, straws, and water bottles. Please bring a reusable bottle to the show or buy a Hillhead-branded one from our the information kiosk and fill up at one of our free hydration stations.
A sustainable Show Guide
All paper used for the Show Guide is sustainably sourced and printed using vegetable-based inks. The paper itself is also carbon balanced via a scheme operated by the World Land Trust.
The carbon footprint of transporting the Show Guide to the exhibition is also minimized by using Buxton Press located only a few miles away.
Solar-powered security and lighting towers
We've introduced solar-powered security solutions throughout the site using self-powered towers and will continue to experiment with other solar-powered applications with a view to increasing the amount of solar power used as part of the energy mix going forward.