Translas UK
Stand: RA9
Translas, an innovative Dutch manufacturer, offers extremely user-friendly welding fume extraction systems, with the highest capture rate and duty cycle in the industry. Welding fumes have been increasingly under the spotlight in recent years, following a change in enforcement expectations by the HSE. It has been proven that general ventilation alone does not provide sufficient protection from welding fumes and scientific evidence provides a direct link to cases of lung cancer and neurological disorders, in addition to other more common health issues such as Asthma. As a result of this all businesses performing welding activities have a responsibility to provide effective engineering controls to minimise this risk. The Translas system is the safest, most effective method of controlling this, with up to 98% of welding fumes being captured directly at source, along with a high level of operator satisfaction.
St Albans RoadStafford
ST16 3DR
United Kingdom